Blown Engine

by Woodsbum

The end of life for my truck’s engine came at not only the wrong time, but right when I need a truck more than most other times. I was hoping that I either needed new injectors or coil packs for a couple cylinders that were misfiring. Unfortunately, this was not the case…..

Last Tuesday I was on my way to an appointment. I had to pull into the bank and grab some cash, but when I came back from the ATM my truck would barely run. After poking and prodding things a bit I ended up nursing it home and called to let the office know I was not going to be in due to vehicle issues. I also called in to my main job to let them know I needed at least Wednesday off.

After several hundred dollars in replacement parts, I thought I had everything figured out as being bad fuel so I added some octane boost, fuel treatment and high octane gasoline to try and dilute the impurities in my fuel tank. While driving it on the highway to blow out the bad fuel I started hearing the sounds associated with bearings going out.

To shorten this story I will just cut out all the wait for the tow truck, the calls to get a car loan from my bank, car shopping and all the paperwork associated with the vehicle purchase. I will jump to the part where I now have a new to me Subaru Outback.

I apologize for no post on Monday. It was a hectic day due to the vehicle, babysitting family, and recovery from taking a bowhunting education master instructor class this last weekend. On Friday I will cover the class.

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