PTR-91 Scope/Mount Combination

by Gunguy

Several people have asked what kind of scope and mount combination I have been running on my PTR-91 since I put up pictures with a previous post. I decided to put a Low Profile Rail Scope Mount on my PTR-91 instead of a STANAG Steel Claw Mount to keep the scope as close to the rifle as possible. I then mounted a MOA Vortex Viper PST 1-4×24 scope in a ADR-X 2 inch Offset Cantilever Ring Mount.

The above combination is rock solid and very accurate. It was rather costly but worth every penny. The scope and mount were an investment and I can use them on different rifles in the future if I ever decide to sell my PTR-91.


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2 thoughts on “PTR-91 Scope/Mount Combination

  1. Bee

    Any updates on what ammo you are using? I just went out to shoot my PTR today and went through one box of Federal 308 WIN Power Shoks with out any issues but when I tried using the Winchester 308 WIN Super X I had issues with it only able to shoot off one round and then jammed. I cleared out the chamber and tried to fire another round and it didn’t fire. I guess tomorrow I will try shooting a box of the Federal’s again and see if it is a Ammo issue.

    1. Woodsbum

      I reload mostly, but have been using a lot of Wolf metal cased ammo. It cycles perfectly. I did find that some of the worn out magazines have caused me failure to feed issues. Maybe that is the problem?


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