Steven Konkoly – Books and Site

by Woodsbum

Gunguy talked me into reading one of Steven Konkoly’s books called The Jakarta Pandemic. It was actually quite good and got me started on his Perseid Collapse series. Until I got started on this genre from Gunguy, I was mostly a biography and nonfiction reader. This series really surprised me and I found it to be a great distraction from my normally boring selection of reading material. Although informative and educational, my reading selection immediately before Steven’s books was The Adams-Jefferson Letters. Honestly, the letters were not as entertaining.

Come to find out, Steven Konkoly actually has a blog that he runs. On this blog I found out that he opened up his storyline to other authors as a setting for additional stories to be written. I have yet to finish his original Perseid Collapse series (currently on the 4th book), but I must say that I am looking forward to what other authors have done.

On his blog there are also many resources and interviews that you may find interesting. He also has done several blog entries on such things as homesteading, survival, and even writing resources. It contains a broad spectrum of subject matter and his writing style is quite captivating.

Once I finish up with the Perseid Collapse and the associated writings based upon that world, I think I am going to start in on his Black Flagged series. It appears to be a thriller based upon a covert operatives and government conspiracy. It should be quite interesting.

Take some time and poke around his site. I think you will find at least something to catch your interest whether it be homesteading, survival, tactical operations, or just entertainment.

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