by Woodsbum
A couple of years ago I purchased what I would call a “box of guns.” In that box were 2 Mosin Nagants that were lacking several pieces with the stocks being the main part needed to finish the rifle. Because of the multitude of various rifles and configurations I already I had, I was not too sure how these would fit into my gun library. I have finally decided that I will turn these two into variations of the Scout rifle.
The first thing I will end up having to purchase will be stocks of some sort. Once I get that figured out I will create a post about that as well as the final build. What I wanted to post about today was one of the hardest parts of the upcoming Mosin build: mounting a scope.
Today I some ran into a couple videos about drilling and mounting scopes on the Mosin. The first couple are about the old PU scope. This scope relies upon a side mount system to clear the straight handle on the bolt. This guy does a fairly decent job explaining what he is doing and how he drilled the mounting holes in the hardened steel receiver.
The next video shows the installation of an ATI scope mount kit. It includes the bits, taps, screws and baseplate. He uses hex receiver style Mosins, but you can see how he does the install. I like the idea of having the scope top mounted rather than side mounted.
At this time I am really unsure as to what exactly I will do for a scope mount. Ultimately, I would love to find some sort of scout style setup or engineer my own if I have to. If I could find something that allowed see-thru rings I would be even happier. I am going to have to do some serious searching for what I want, but this at least gives everyone an idea of how easy it really is to drill and tap your Mosin to accept a scope.