Log Furniture

by Woodsbum

Being the rustic type family that we are, the wife and I have been thinking about making some log furniture as opposed to buying and new couch and chairs. Considering how handy I am and how much I like to be able to do things myself this might be the way for us to go.

From what I have seen the hardest part of building the furniture will be making the cushions. Even this didn’t seem that hard and I am not that expert at sewing.

There is an entire YouTube channel with videos. Here are some links in a relative order so you can get an idea how the process works.






I have not started any projects on this as of yet, but I can definitely see me doing this. Now that I have a decent flat bed trailer and only need to get a few tenon cutters with matching sized drill bits these type projects don’t seem too difficult. The first real thing I would have to build myself would be some sort of a jig to hold everything straight. Oh darn, I might have to fire up my welder for that…..

If anyone has done any of these type projects, please let me know. When I start on a build I will add my progress here.

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