Colclesser Brothers Kephart

by Woodsbum

I ran across 2 references to this incredible knife. There are only 2 known models of this knife in existence. One is in the Horace Kephart museum and then there is this one. It is owned by Ethan Becker.

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Here is a YouTube video about the knife.


What I find interesting is the blade design. It is thickest in the middle of the blade for it is convex to both the edge and the spine. It is also a tapered design to the tang as well as the spear tip. The thickest part of the blade is right in front of the handle, in the middle rather than at the spine. It would actually make the knife cut into and glide out of flesh when filleting fish or boning game quite efficient. There would be less tearing of the actual meat.

I can guarantee that there will be many modifications to current Kephart models now that this well preserved specimen is available to examine.

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