by Woodsbum
Today’s post is near and dear to my heart. It is about food. I love food and love food that is able to be stored for long periods of time, be easily transported, takes no real preparation before consuming, and ACTUALLY TASTES GOOD. Enter the Bridgford Read to Eat Sandwich.
This sandwich package was about $6 for two wrapped breakfast creations. There are tons of different varieties, but this was what we tried first. I figured that anyone who could make a French toast sandwich in a shelf stable form that tasted decent was on to something. Now I have eaten MORE than my fair share of MRE’s while in the military. Many were barely edible, but some were pretty good. The most current batches are actually downright tasty. If Bridgford is able to tap into any of that tastiness for their product, these things might be a winner….. Now for the opening and testing.
This is how the sandwiches are packaged. Two of these tan wrapped sandwiches come in each plastic bag.
The foil wrappers are just like MRE wrappers and open exactly the same. As a nice change, however, there is nutrition information on the side if each sandwich. It also makes it nice to be able to figure out exactly what you are eating. Makes me wonder what the “4 Fingers of Death” (Beef Frankfurters) MRE really had in it…. Hmmmmm……
Nutrition Information

I am actually looking forward to trying out several more variations of these sandwiches. If they can make the French toast into a shelf stable variant that tastes this good, their Italian and BBQ versions must be incredible.