Arrow-leaved Balsamroot

by Woodsbum

In my pursuit of learning more and more about wild edibles, I am continuing on with my occasional plant listing. This post is about the arrow-leaved balsamroot.

Arrow leaved balsamroot

Arrow leaved balsamroot

The arrow-leaved balsamroot is one of the few plants that all parts are edible. The roots, young stems and leaf stalks are best. Although the roots can be bitter, they tend to sweeten up with slow cooked for long periods of time. The roots can also be dried then reconstituted afterwards with an overnight soaking. Seeds can be dried, roasted and made into meal.


arrow leaved balsamroot

Arrow leaved balsamroot

This plant grows on dry, stoney slopes in the foothills. Be careful, though. It looks a lot like arnica which can cause internal blistering and severe stomach issues.



Arrow Leaved Balsamroot flower

Arrow Leaved Balsamroot flower

As you can see the flowers are VERY similar. Make sure you do your research and can accurately identify the two.

These plants can both be found here in the Pacific Northwest and since the arrow leaved balsamroot is completely edible, can be made into a meal as well as having great storage capabilities, it is a good plant to know.

Good luck and have fun!!!

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